Night Shift Part-time NTR cover

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Night Shift Part-time NTR

Country: Japan image
Year: 2023


In brackets the age of the actress at the time of shooting

Studio: Tameike Goro

From the moment the rain starts falling on a night shift, Kana feels an unusual arousal building up inside her. Despite being in the middle of her part-time night job, her body becomes soaking wet and work becomes impossible to focus on. The observant manager notices Kana's peculiar behavior with her groin drenched, and a few days later, on another rainy night, he decides to close the restaurant an hour early and engages in an affair with her at a hotel. "It's all because of the rain and the night..." Kana mutters as her buxom figure starts to become the focus of attention in the night-time restaurant. The affair on rainy nights shows no signs of stopping, even during torrential downpours...


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